As we all have motto's, this particular one is at the top of my list. I can only explain it to you from my perspective, so here goes:
When learning how to drive, did you ever wonder why we were told to be aware of our surroundings but take responsibility for what's going on in our own lane? Well, I think the answer is simple. It's so that we are "aware" but not distracted to the point of losing focus on what's ahead of us. Awareness out of balance can absolutely become a major distraction.
Too often we have our eyes fixated on what others are doing around us, which can cause us to miss what we were created for. I strongly believe that competition and comparison are both eliminated when we learn how to manage our own lane. This principle is hard to master when we're worried about outdoing the next person. We are all designed to be great at something(s), it's in our DNA. Many of us have been fortunate enough to find out what that something is, while others are still searching. Whatever it is, we are to hone into it in our own unique way.
Not everyone will be able to plug into what it is that you're doing, and that's okay. Even if what you're doing isn't acknowledged, it doesn't mean it goes unnoticed. Know that the right people will always respond! Keep in mind that not everyone is out here trying to copy the next person. Some people are simply inspired by what you're doing to the point of it igniting something in them that has been dormant. Guess what? Learn to take that as a compliment and keep it moving. When it's God given it can't be duplicated…that's why it's so important to do it like "you" and not "them". It's simply a matter of changing our vantage point because there's always more than one way to view a thing. So great people I encourage you to stay focused, keep moving forward, dig into what you were created to do, be aware not distracted, and most importantly do it while managing your own lane.